It's hammered into every aspiring reporter's head from the first day on the college paper or at J-school: There's nothing better than beating the pants off the competition.Il continue en citant l'opinion de Jeff Jarvis qui écrit que les médias traditionnels (MSM ou Main Stream Media) devraient cesser de poursuivre l'exclusivité (le scoop) et plutôt rechercher la qualité des idées et des débats et ce, notamment en ouvrant la discussion avec la blogosphère.
And it's basically the reigning ethos in the news biz today, especially since the industry tends to attract highly competitive folks.
But is it time to rethink the scoop mentality?
Mais Kurtz répond à la question Jeff Jarvis ("Now let's ask, what is the value of the scoop in the more timely media of newspaper and broadcast? Do scoops really drive the business? Or do they stoke the ego? Here, too, I'll vote for the latter.") par un non retentissant.
My reaction: Easy for Jeff to say. In today's wired world, letting slip that you're working on a competitive story would lead to an immediate rip-off: by other publications, by bloggers, by talk radio hosts, you name it. Worse, they would steal your story--or just talk it to death--without benefit of the careful research you did or the nuances you've mastered. More often than not, it would be a cartoon version. Then critics and bloggers would start ripping your work before it's even been published, and the partisans denouncing you for even attempting to investigate such-and-such if it's perceived as negative to their side.
No thanks.
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