(...) two thirds of adult Internet users in Canada say they feel the information in blogs is a reliable way to keep up-to-date on new technology (10% very/ 54% somewhat reliable), one in eight (13%) feel the information is not at all reliable. (...)En clair, cela signifie que la majorité des gens qui visitent des blogues font généralemenet confiance à l'information qu'ils tirent.
Mais le potentiel des blogues est encore plus clair quand on regarde les statistiques suivantes:
The potential of blogs in marketing campaigns really shows through when we consider how they could affect a product purchase decision. When asked what impact positive comments regarding a product or service in a blog would have on the likelihood of purchasing it, one-in-ten adult Canadian Internet users said it would make them much more likely to purchase (10%) the product and half said it would make them somewhat more likely to purchase (51%). The effect of negative comments in a blog is a little stronger, with one in eight saying that negative comments about a product or service would make them much less likely to purchase (12%) and just over half saying it would make them somewhat less likely to purchase (54%).
Maggie Fox en parle aussi.
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