13 novembre 2012

Social Media Revolution 2013

Voici la 4e édition de la vidéo "Social Media Revolution" publiée annuellement par Erik Qualman, l'auteur de Socialnomics, Digital Leader et Crisis.

C'est à écouter.

3 commentaires:

Plano a dit...

old article, but still relevant

Carmen a dit...

I'm not too surprised the 2013 Ford release generated more traffic than the Superbowl, but I'm a bit biased because I watch hockey and still drive my 2013 Ford. When I first moved to Victoria BC and began work as an arborist for https://www.greatervictoriatreeservice.ca/tree-service-victoria-bc I used to use my 2013 Ford for work. It's been beaten up many times but still runs decently well. I highly recommend if you're looking for a used truck.

Med Spa Plano a dit...

I've always like Ford